Hi, I’m Laura!
I thought about leaving the pre-loaded text here, something about tootsie rolls and candy or something, but I suppose that wouldn’t really be about me would it?
I was born and raised mostly in SoCal, and I will always call it “home.” As of Summer 2022, however, we live in the mountains of Colorado. We are west of “the Springs” and in the most charming little town. We sold our home of 20 years, I quit my job of 21, pulled our kids out of a school that we LOVED and had been a part of for a collective 17 years, and moved to 10 acres in the mountains. Into a 5th-wheel trailer. All of us. In a trailer. We’d never owned a trailer before.
A couple of years later (two-and-a-half at the time of this writing), I wouldn’t change a thing. We learned a lot on the fly and had to reimagine some of our dreams and adjust our expectations, but I feel like we have done it pretty well. Not always with grace, but always with our future in mind.
Thanks for stopping by and joining me as I figure out this whole blogging thing and share our stories – which I can promise you are 100% real. If there is something you’d like me to talk about specifically or something you’re curious about, don’t be shy! Just send me an email, I’d love to get an email from you.
ps. If the profile picture is of a really cute brunette and her tall husband, that is not me. Or my husband I just haven’t updated yet.
Jelly tart chocolate tiramisu chupa chups wafer candy macaroon. Lemon drops tart sugar plum cotton candy marzipan sweet roll cupcake icing pudding. Apple pie dragée candy canes candy halvah marzipan chupa chups lollipop. Sesame snaps apple pie dessert tootsie roll gummies brownie tootsie roll apple pie.
Muffin tiramisu tiramisu cookie. Soufflé danish jelly. Tiramisu marshmallow chocolate carrot cake chocolate cake chocolate bar lollipop powder dragée. Jelly-o candy canes dragée powder gummies.
(See?! Doesn’t that sound wonderful?)
Where you can find me!
Pinterest. My bed. In the greenhouse. Doing laundry. Facebook. Driving through the forest with no cell service. Walmart. The Library. Instagram.